Do Cats Shed More Than Dogs

Shedding is a daily occurrence that most cat or dog owners encounter. Some people might also wonder if one pet sheds more than the other.

Truthfully, it depends on the type of cat or dog you own.

Some cat breeds might shed more than dogs, and some dogs shed more than cats. It might be more noticeable on larger or hairier breeds.

Why Do My Pets Shed?

Most pets grow and shed their fur to regulate their body temperatures throughout the year.

Typically, this process occurs significantly during the spring and fall months.

People with dog or cat allergies might experience reactions frequently due to dander exposure. When your dog or cat sheds, their hair and dead skin creates dander.

Shedding might be more noticeable when their pets spend a lot of time outside. Pets with thicker double-layered coats might shed more often than others. 

Senior cats and dogs might be prone to shedding more than younger ones. Dog fur roots grow weak as they age, making their fur layers thinner. 

Older cats might have trouble grooming themselves, making them prone to fur matting or shedding. 

Other factors that determine your dog or cat’s shedding patterns include:

  • Medical conditions, such as infections, parasites, or allergies
  • Stress
  • Their diet

The Hair Growth Cycle

Every dog and cat that sheds go through a similar cycle for their fur’s growth. This process might differ based on the fur’s condition, such as its length or layers. 

Each stage has physical aspects to help you identify them. When reviewing each stage in this cycle, you can determine your pet’s current shedding stage.


During this stage in the shedding process, a dog or cat’s fur actively grows. If you own a purebred cat or dog, its hair grows to the pet’s genetically determined length.

Mixed breed cats and dogs might experience the anagen stage differently. Their shedding periods might be as defined as pedigree cats and dogs.

Long-haired breeds, like Afghan Hounds or Persians, tend to spend more time in this stage.  


Catagen is a transition phase that occurs in the fur growth cycle. Eventually, a cat or dog’s fur reaches its desired length and stops growing. 

This process might take longer to reach for specific breeds. The fur typically remains stagnant for seasonal shedders before spring or fall. 


In this stage, the hair becomes inactive until the dog or cat begins shedding. Although the hair is dormant, it remains attached to the hair follicles until they shed. 

The telogen stage lasts several months, ranging between three to six. This time differs based on specific breeds or other natural conditions.


During the exogen stage, your dog or cat begins shedding their old fur. Breeds with longer coats might shed in larger clumps, but shorter-haired breeds might shed regularly.

Which Cat Breeds Shed More Than Dogs?

Several cat breeds can shed more than terriers or Maltese. Cats with medium or long coats require regular grooming to reduce shedding.

Cat hair and dander tend to be lighter than dog hair. These properties make the hair stay airborne longer and appear more noticeable to humans. 

Hairless breeds or breeds with fine, downy fur aren’t prone to heavy or seasonal shedding.

Some cat breeds that frequently shed, especially during seasonal transitions, include:

  • American Bobtails
  • Chartreux 
  • Ragamuffins
  • Ragdolls
  • Maine Coons
  • Norwegian Forest Cats
  • Siberians
  • Russian Blues

Medium-haired cat breeds go through moderate shedding, making them likely candidates for routine grooming.

Which Dog Breeds Shed More Than Cats?

Similar to cats, some dog breeds might shed more frequently or heavier than others. Double-coated breeds typically shed the most due to their varying layers of hair.

Some dogs might shed throughout the year and experience heavier shedding before summer and winter.

Some longer-haired breeds might not shed as much due to their hair growth time.

Examples of dog breeds that frequently shed include:

  • Siberian Huskies
  • German Shepherds
  • Beagles
  • Golden Retrievers
  • Corgis
  • Saint Bernards
  • Chow Chows
  • Labradors
  • Pekingese

Some Ways to Regulate Shedding of Cats or Dogs

Although shedding might annoy pet owners, there are methods for managing their pets’ fur.

After conducting some research, you should construct a plan to match your pet’s shedding cycles.

Consulting your vet for some insight on where to begin also helps. If you believe something’s off about your furry companions’ shedding, let them know.

Improve Their Coat’s Quality

One excellent solution for managing your pet’s shedding is by performing regular grooming.

Grooming requirements differ between breeds, so it would be wise to research what to do. 

Regular brushing or combing can regulate the shedding process for several cats and dogs. Ideally, your pet’s brush should accommodate the type of fur they have.

Brushing Longer Coats

Breeds with longer coats or double coats need brushes that reach their undercoats.

While the brushes remove the outer coat’s loose hair, it also keeps the undercoat healthy. 

When warmer months approach, dogs shed their heavy undercoats for a thinner one.

Although cats enjoy self-grooming, you can keep their coat presentable by brushing them. Consistent brushing prevents their coats from matting or shedding unevenly.

Brushing Shorter Coats

Shorter coats require brushing once a week, while longer coats need daily or semi-daily brushing.

You can also reward your cat after a successful brushing to encourage good behavior.

When brushing a short-haired dog, you should use a bristle brush. 

When brushing in the opposite direction, you dislodge dead hairs. When you brush in fur’s growth direction, you remove the fur. As you repeat this process, you’ll remove loose hair quickly.

Improve Their Diet

Another way to manage your pet’s shedding is by monitoring their diet. Sometimes, a poor diet can lead to excessive shedding in cats and dogs.

Some vitamins and healthy acids can benefit your pet’s long-term health and appearance. 

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients for reducing excessive shedding and keeping pets’ coats healthy. 

These healthy acids hydrate and moisturize dog and cat skin, regardless of their coats’ thickness. Omega-3 protects pet hair from the roots up and keeps it shiny and in place.

Several pet foods high in omega-3 fatty acids are available at your local pet stores. Some cats and dogs might eat salmon or tuna in moderation to receive these acids.

If your pet has specific allergies to food ingredients, look for formulas without them. By doing this, you can prevent them from scratching allergy inflammations.

Pay Attention to Your Cat or Dog’s Health

Sometimes, excessive shedding can be a symptom of an underlying health problem for your companions. Visual signs might include red patches on your pet’s skin or balding spots.

Skin parasites, including ringworm, fleas, and ticks, cause itching and potential infection in affected areas. 

Sudden changes in a pet’s routine, such as moving, can cause stress. Too much stress can result in their fur falling out excessively.

Hormonal changes can also affect how your pet sheds, such as thyroid disease or pregnancy.

Your veterinarian can provide advice on how to manage pet shedding in these conditions.

How to Keep Your Home Clean from Shedding

Although you can’t halt your pet’s shedding, you can still prioritize cleaning your home.

There are several ways to keep your home clean from dog and cat fur.

Keeping Your Floors Clean

Shedding fur tends to fall off as dogs and cats move around the house. Carpeted and bare floors catch these patches that build over time. 

It would be best to vacuum pet hair stuck in your carpets and rugs. Typically, a vacuum designed for pet hair should work best to avoid clogging your device.

When cleaning hardwood or tiled floors, microfiber sweepers that incorporate static cling work effectively. Pet hair brooms also make practical tools for cleaning fur and dander.

Keeping Fur Off of Furniture

Another solution for clearing fur from your house is by covering your furniture. Dogs and cats might sit on your couch and leave a hairy mess. 

You can use slipcovers and mats on your sofa or chairs to protect them. Many of them are machine-washable, allowing you to clean them each week.

Reducing Fur on Clothing

Shedding fur sticks to our clothing after playing and cuddling with our cats and dogs. It might be more noticeable on sweaters or jeans, especially with clashing fur colors.

You can use a lint roller or brush to remove it from your clothes. 

For heavier shedding, you can place your clothes in a dryer. Place a couple of dryer sheets inside and let it sit for 10 minutes. 

After that, you can wash and dry your clothes using your appliances’ preferred settings.


Your cat or dog’s breed and fur type typically determine how much they’ll shed. Some dogs and cats might shed daily, while others shed heavier as the seasons change. 

Daily brushing is one way to keep your pet’s shedding under control. Other components can also affect it, such as their health or dietary needs. 

Your clothes and floors are daily targets for loose cat and dog fur. When dealing with daily and seasonal shedding, there are several tools you can use. 

If your cat’s a moderate shedder, it might leave more fur than light-layered dog coats.

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