Do Pugs Get Along With Cats? All you need to know!

If your goals as a pet owner include owning both a pug and cat, we see why you’d be skeptical about living that dream.

Historically, dogs and cats don’t go well together. 

Luckily, there are exceptions to these rules, and you might be on your way to owning your favorite dog and cat.

Read on to learn more about the relationship between these two, including what problems might arise and tips to prevent or minimize them. 

Do Pugs Get Along With Cats? 

Yes, can pugs and cats get along just fine. They get along better than cats do with most other breeds of dogs. 

The reason is simple; pugs are not from a hunting background, unlike many other dog breeds. 

Pugs have no desire to chase or attack a cat. You can expect your cat to be safe with your pug. 

They have little to no prey drive, so this will work well for their feline housemate. Another reason pugs and cats might get along is that they are small breed dogs. 

Expect your pug to be docile. Because they are well aware of their size—unlike chihuahuas— they rarely show aggression or bark at animals and people. 

It’s important to consider distinct personalities as well. Although there’s an expected spectrum of behavior, different animals will have specific traits that might vary significantly   

Do Cats Like Pugs? 

There is some concern as to how your cat might react towards your pug. Just like dogs, all cats are not the same. 

You can have seven different cats and they will all have different reactions to dogs around them. Expect some to take to hightail, some to be cautious and some to seem not to care at all. 

Generally, though, cats aren’t as scared of pugs as they are of bigger breeds. Due to the pugs’ size, it’s easier for the cat to feel less threatened by them. 

They do have different personalities, and this might cause some problems from the cat’s perspective. Pugs are friendly little creatures and overly friendly, as far as a cat is concerned. 

If your pug keeps trying to socialize with your cat, it can cause the latter to lash out.

Cats can be quite playful— loving to climb frames, enjoying their catnips, and their space. They are also playful with other cats. 

This type of friendliness does not extend to dogs though. You won’t see a cat playing with a dog the way a dog will play with a dog or a cat will play with a cat. 

So if your cat feels overwhelmed by their dog companions, they might put their sharp claws to use. 

This is a real problem because pugs have big beautiful, bulging eyes and a short muzzle. They can be hit very easily by the cat claws. A cat might scratch their eyes. 

Remember that cat claws can carry a host of nasty bacteria so it’s best to seek treatment immediately if your pug is hit. 

This happens often enough for it to be a real concern. So you might not want to leave the two of them alone unattended, especially when you first introduce them. 

Incase Things Are Really Bad

Helping a pug and a cat to learn to be around each other requires that you have enough knowledge handy yourself. 

Research both animals and understand their breed history. Knowing this will help you have a better grasp of the learning curve. 

Pugs are particularly perfect to own with other animals, including guinea pigs and rabbits. Cats are just another happy addition to this list. 

However, there are times when the two animals cannot seem to get along no matter what you do. There are times it won’t work out, and that’s okay too. 

Recognizing when to stop trying is key. When the two animals hate each other, it is best to separate them. 

An easy way to spot is when their periods together are characterized by a lot of growling or hissing with no signs of improvement.

Of course, some initial resistance is to be expected. This is especially true of the cat, who will try some hissing and weak swiping. But overwhelming negative energy is a clear no. 

It is possible to get along eventually, but there will likely be a lot of resentment in their relationship. This isn’t healthy for anyone, so it’s better to call it quits. 

How to Settle in Pugs and Cats Together

Pugs can be a little too friendly since they have no prey instincts. Cats, on the other hand, prefer their space.

It might seem like their personality traits will pose problems. Fortunately, there are rules to make the transition more seamless. 

Note that no two pug-cat relationships are the same. It will be up to you and the animals to create a routine that works for everyone.

Give Your Cat Enough Space To Get Away 

When you introduce a pug to a cat or vice versa, you want to give enough space to allow the cat to get away if it needs to. 

Let the room you choose for introductions be spacious. You can use a leash on your dog, putting you in full control of the friendlier animal. 

Let the Cat Set the Limits

Cats have boundaries, so let them set them. Watch closely the limits the cat sets and how your pug reacts to it. 

The cat will quickly learn that he can boss the pug around. This isn’t a bad thing. The animal begins to teach the pug to respect its boundaries on its own. 

If your dog learns the cat’s preferences and respects them, you have a healthy situation on your hands.

Let Your Cat Be Dominant 

When your cat is higher on the hierarchy, you’d have fewer problems. Cats tend to keep to themselves so this will most likely promote peace. 

Another reason to do this is that your cat poses more danger to your pug. Letting them have the power means fewer confrontations and power tussles. 

You can achieve this by feeding your cat first.

Give Your Cat a Safe Space

A safe space here means that your cat has an area that you specifically created for it to escape to. Whenever it wants the pug to leave it alone, this blocked-off area can serve that purpose. 

It’s even better if you have safe spaces in every room of the house, but it is particularly important when they are just getting acquainted with each other. 

Use a high spot if blocking off areas in every room is impossible. Pugs are short and high areas will be impossible for them to reach. 

Teach Your Pug a Special Stop Command

As part of the obedience training for your pug, teach it a different stop command that keeps it from chasing the cat around. 

For effectiveness, make it recognizable and separate from every other command. 

Cats don’t particularly respond to commands or obedience training. That’s why it is best to focus your training on the dog whom you know will give you more of a listening ear. 

Be Present During Feeding Time

Mealtimes are equally important to both cats and dogs. The feeding period is when you are most likely to have disagreements between them. 

In the beginning, supervise their feeding strictly. Feed them in separate bowls and away from each other, even if you do it in the same room. 

Remember that they will lash out if they feel like their feeding time is in danger. You need to keep the process as painless and possible. 

Watch out for any signs of discord or dissent and deal with it immediately. 

Remain Neutral 

The one thing you want to avoid is partiality or anything that seems like it. Jealousy is a leading cause of pets’ resenting one another. 

Try to remain as neutral as possible. Don’t “over pet” or overpraise one of the animals. 

Keep Your Pug Entertained 

Dogs have more nervous energy than a cat. You should aim to keep your pug entertained outside of its playtime with the cat. 

Puzzles, dog toys, and training sessions can help a pug focus its energy on the right things instead of chasing down the cat in search of play. 

Prepare to Deal If Your Cat Gets Stressed-out

It’s a possibility that introducing a pug into the family might stress out your cat. It’s also possible for your cat to become stressed after meeting a pug in a new home. 

Fortunately, dealing with a stressed-out cat is fairly easy. Spend some one-on-one time with it and add some extra treats to the mix. 

You can also try plenty more smooths when possible. If your cat seems overly anxious, contact your veterinarian for help. 


Pugs and cats get along well. You might need to pay more attention to the cat’s behavior than the pug’s, though. 

Pay close attention during meal times, create safe spaces, and don’t breed jealousy by showing favoritism. 

Mainly, watch out for a cat’s claws around the pug. Do these, and your new pets should love—or at least be able to stand— each other in no time. 

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