What Should You Do If Your Dog Ate A Banana Peel?

Dogs have a fascinating duality to them: they have a very sensitive digestive system, but can and will eat most things regardless.

As gluttonous as they are, it’s no wonder they love the sweet taste of bananas and you may have shared this snack with them at times.

While bananas are safe for dogs to eat, the same can’t be said for the peels.

If your dog ate a banana peel, they may experience stomach discomfort in the following hours.

What Should You Do If Your Dog Eats a Banana Peel?

To avoid the development of serious issues, you should always contact your veterinarian if you catch your dog eating a banana peel.

A dog that ate banana peels may suffer from gastrointestinal obstruction, pancreatitis, or other GI tract conditions that could turn deadly if left untreated.

Puppies and small dogs are surely more affected by these circumstances, but that’s not to say big dogs cannot suffer the consequences of eating banana peels.

If your dog ate banana peels and is vomiting or feeling lethargic, this is a clear sign that something is wrong and it’s time for a medical examination.

In the case you cannot access any veterinarian or emergency clinic until you can bring your dog in this is what you can do to help them:

  • Do not give them antacids like Pepto Bismol or tums. If you feel like your dog needs medication, contact the ASPCA or Pet Poison Helpline and ask what you can give them;
  • Withhold food and water for 12-16 hours in order to allow their digestive system to rest;
  • After 12-16 hours, provide a small amount of water, and see how it goes. If your dog doesn’t vomit, you can feed them a small portion of white rice and boiled boneless chicken up to 6 times per day;
  • Don’t forget to bring them to the veterinarian as soon as you can.

Banana peels are very unpredictable, therefore it would be better to get your dog examined as soon as possible, even if it means after hours or a 24-hour animal hospital.

If you’re worried about the expenses, look into your local shelter or ASPCA, they might be able to help at a reduced cost.

Can Dogs Eat Banana Peels?

The short answer would be no. Dogs and banana peels do not get along.

While in some parts of the world eating banana peels is common, it’s not something people in the US really do, so the real question should be: why would you feed your dog banana peels?

Chances are, you didn’t and your dog stole a banana from the table and ate it whole. But if you did it on purpose, you may want to reconsider this choice from now on.

Because of their characteristics and texture, banana peels are hard for dogs to digest. If a puppy or a small dog eats a banana peel, they might also risk gastrointestinal blockage.

This condition is rarely severe when it comes to banana peels, but depending on the size of the dog and the number of banana peels eaten, it can also become life-threatening.

Symptoms of gastrointestinal obstruction in dogs include:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Lack of appetite
  • Lethargy
  • Weakness
  • Dehydration
  • Abdominal pain
  • Lying in unusual positions

If your dog feels sick after eating bananas or banana peels, you should call your veterinarian. They may ask you to bring them in for diagnosis or they may guide you through it from home.

Some pet parents claim that their dogs eat banana peels with no consequences. However, we strongly recommend you do not feed banana peels to your dog because:

  • If something works for someone else’s dog, it doesn’t necessarily work for yours. Also, beware of stories read on the internet;
  • In most cases, it’s about big breed dogs that are able to pass the banana peels more easily than the average size dog;
  • You don’t know how these dog parents feed the banana peels to their dogs. They may cut them into small pieces and only feed a small amount mixed with dog food. It may sound like a solution, but again: why feeding banana peels to your dog in the first place?

The bottom line is that dogs do not need to eat banana peels and they should be getting all the nutrients they need from their normal diet.

Snacks should always be an extra, and one that should only make up 10% of their whole diet.

Can Dogs Eat Rotten Banana Peels?

If fresh banana peels aren’t the best snack for your pooch, rotten banana peels are absolutely to avoid.

Banana peels normally contain the majority of the potassium present in the whole fruit.

When they are left outside for too long, they start to dry and rot, and the potassium levels increase and become very concentrated, which makes it even harder for your dog to digest them.

Dogs might get seriously sick from eating dried banana peels and sometimes it could turn into a lethal situation.

In fact, when high levels of potassium are absorbed by the body, the chloride ions in the blood may react to them creating potassium chloride (KCl).

This compound is used in lethal injections and provokes a slow and painful demise.

The most common scenarios where a dog might eat a rotten banana peel are:

  • When you leave banana peels around after eating bananas
  • When your dog goes through the trash bin
  • When they find banana peels on the road during walks

To prevent your dog from eating banana peels, make sure to dispose of them soon after peeling them and keep an eye on your dog during your daily walks.

Your dog shouldn’t be allowed to eat whatever they find on the road, especially food waste or dead animals.

Just like with other foods like corn cobs, dogs may be attracted to the smell and search through the trash bin to eat banana peels.

You can solve this problem either by buying a dog-proof bin or by putting banana peels in a plastic bag before you throw them away.

If your dog eats rotten banana peels, call your veterinarian immediately.

Are Bananas Safe For Dogs To Eat?

Bananas (without peels) are healthy snacks, especially for very active dogs.

Your veterinarian might even recommend feeding your dog bananas every now and then because:

  • They contain electrolytes, potassium, vitamin B6, and vitamin C, which makes them the perfect alternative for the average industrial, salty dog treat;
  • They’re high in fibers, which are helpful if your dog has gastrointestinal problems;
  • They contain minerals like magnesium which helps absorb vitamins, produces proteins, and helps the bones to grow.

It’s actually a good idea to bring a banana with you when you walk your dog.

When your dog is running outside, playing in the park, or doing physical activity, the natural sugars of the banana can provide a much-needed energy rush.

However, that’s not to say that bananas should become routine for your dog.

In fact, it’s better to feed dogs bananas in moderation, as their amount of calories and sugars can easily make your dog overweight in the long run.

In short, if your dog is a couch surfer, don’t go overboard with bananas and choose low-calorie snacks instead.

How To Feed Bananas To Your Dog

As with any other snack, you should feed your dog bananas in small amounts.

The ideal way of feeding dogs bananas is to cut them into very small pieces and to mix them with their food, especially if your dog is not very fond of them.

You can also mix them with a little peanut butter, which is guaranteed to make your dog go crazy.

Alternatively, you can stuff the mashed fruit inside a washable toy like a Kong and watch your dog have a fun time licking it all.

There are also many dog-friendly recipes that include bananas if you want to try your hand at making some healthy homemade snacks for your pooch.

Just remember to always use fresh bananas and to peel them off before feeding them to your furry friend.

Are Banana Peels Bad For Dogs?

Yes, banana peels can be very dangerous for dogs and you should not feed your dog banana peels on purpose.

Even though most of the potassium contained in a banana is stored in the peel, it is not worth the risk of your dog developing gastrointestinal conditions that could potentially be lethal.

Dogs cannot digest banana peels and there is no reason for them to eat them.

Bananas without peels offer everything an active dog may need: vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, and a good energy boost thanks to their sugar content.

However, even peeled bananas should be fed to your dog in moderation, because they contain a lot of calories and if your dog doesn’t burn them, they could become overweight.

Banana peels can sometimes be found on the ground during your daily walks or there may be animals (like squirrels) that drop food waste in your yard.

It’s important that you always keep an eye on your dog when they’re outside to prevent them from eating food waste found by chance.

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