My Dog Ate Oreos: What Should I Do Now?

Oreos are an incredibly loved snack for us humans, but let’s face it: they’re not the healthiest snack out there!

And if they’re not healthy for us, why give them to our dogs?

Indeed, dogs should not eat Oreos.

However, if your dog ate an Oreo cookie, don’t despair. Lone ingestion won’t be toxic to your dog, while a daily dose of Oreos could be very harmful to them for several different reasons.

What Should You Do If Your Dog Ate Oreos?

As with other unsafe ingestions, the size of your dog will be important.

If your dog ate 10 Oreos and is a small chihuahua, they will be way more affected by the cookies than a St. Bernard would.

With large ingestions, you should expect symptoms.

At the very least, your dog will experience stomach discomfort and you should let them rest somewhere peaceful and probably cover your floor with pads around them because it’s going to get dirty.

A single cookie shouldn’t do much damage, so there’s no need to rush your dog to the vet.

If your dog went through a whole package of Oreos, that’s concerning, but an isolated event won’t put their life at risk.

To be safe, it’s better to call your veterinarian nonetheless.

Whether it’s one cookie or more, keep an eye on your dog and give them water. See if they have trouble drinking, eating, or doing any of their normal activities.

Anything out of the ordinary or suspicious should be reported to your veterinarian.

Are Oreos Bad For Dogs?

Yes. Dogs should not eat Oreos. They hold no nutritional value for your pet and can be very harmful to their health in the long run.

Dogs are also very sensitive to changes in their diet, introducing new food without researching or consulting your veterinarian can be dangerous.

Snacks should still be healthy meals for your dog. There are several alternatives to cookies and sweets if you want to give your dog a treat in between meals.

It is usually recommended to give them fruits or vegetables, for example, strawberries or celery.

They’re rich in vitamins and fibers and low in fats and cholesterol, which is ideal for your pet.

What Happens If a Dog Eats Oreos?

Depending on the amount and frequency, if a dog ate Oreo cookies they will experience short-term or long-term consequences.

Short-term consequences: after a large ingestion of Oreos, your dog will most likely get a stomach ache, diarrhea, and consequent dehydration.

Long-term consequences: giving your dog Oreo cookies regularly will lead to obesity and to a higher chance of developing diabetes and heart problems due to cholesterol.

Stomach ache

Oreos will give stomach problems to your dog. It’s the equivalent of eating junk food for them, so you can expect abdominal discomfort.

Oreos are full of sugars, which can sometimes cause nausea and vomit in big amounts.

Oreos won’t stay inside your dog for long. In fact, in most cases, dogs experience projectile diarrhea after eating these cookies.

They can’t keep it in, so be prepared to deal with a lot of cleaning.

If your dog ate a lot of Oreos, it would be better to keep him outside or in a room that is easy to clean. Use a lot of pads too!


Diarrhea and vomiting will make your dog lose a lot of liquids. Dehydration is very dangerous, so make sure to keep your dog well-hydrated.

After your dog ate Oreos, provide them with plenty of water. If they seem unable to drink, this could be a first alarm bell that something is wrong, so contact your veterinarian.

A simple method to check if your dog is dehydrated is to pinch their skin. The skin should snap back immediately. If it doesn’t, or it moves back very slowly, it is very serious.

A dog that is dehydrated will also feel weak and tired, so look out for signs of unusual lethargy.


If Oreos somehow end up being a regular part of your dog’s diet (for example, a little everyday treat), the accumulation of fats and sugars over time will make your pooch overweight.

Obesity in dogs is very dangerous because it’s like opening a door to other several diseases that could very well be a life-long sentence for your dog.

Cancer, heart diseases, diabetes, hypertension are all possible consequences of obesity. As you can see, they’re all diseases that can greatly impact and shorten your dog’s life.

You also need to consider that as your dog grows older, their metabolism will slow down, so it will be harder to make them lose weight. The only preventive measure, in this case, is to keep them on a healthy diet.

If your dog struggles with its weight or if you struggle with keeping them on a good diet, consider discussing your options with your veterinarian.


The refined sugars and syrup in Oreo cookies put your dog at risk of developing canine diabetes mellitus, which occurs when the body decreases or stops producing insulin, or becomes insulin-resistant.

Insulin is produced by the pancreas and is fundamental to process food.

Without it, there would be an accumulation of glucose in your dog’s blood, which can even lead to diabetic coma and death.

Diabetes mellitus is a life-long sentence and will greatly impact your dog’s life, which now depends on medications.

Untreated or badly managed diabetes can lead to blindness, neuropathy, kidney failure, enlarged liver, and urinary tract infections.

There is no cure for diabetes, only treatments, so you don’t want your dog to get this disease.

The only action that can be taken against diabetes is prevention, so make sure your dog eats healthy and exercises regularly.

Why Chocolate Is Bad For Dogs

Chocolate is known to be toxic to dogs. Oreos don’t contain enough real chocolate to be life-threatening, although if your dog ate a big amount of Oreos this could become a problem.

The dangers of chocolate for dogs are so numerous and scary that you wouldn’t want to risk it.

As it is, chocolate is dangerous for two main components: theobromine and xylitol.

However, there are many types of chocolate and some contain minor ingredients that can be just as harmful to your dog, like alcohol and caffeine.


This toxin is heavily present in chocolate, especially of the dark kind. It is similar to caffeine and produces the same effects in dogs: restlessness, increased heart rate, vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, and seizures.

Humans easily metabolize this toxin, but dogs have a hard time metabolizing it, to the point where it easily builds up to toxic levels in their blood.

That’s why ingesting even a small quantity of this component means poisoning your dog.

A common treatment for theobromine intoxication is to induce vomiting, however, this is not a practice that is recommended if it’s your first time doing it, so be sure to consult your veterinarian or the Pet Poison Hotline first.


Xylitol is an industrial substitute for sugar, which has become increasingly popular because it has a low glycemic index and is therefore ideal for those who like sweet food but don’t want to gain weight.

Xylitol doesn’t stimulate the production of insulin in humans, but it does in dogs and in large quantities.

This means that if your dog eats something containing xylitol, they’re at risk of hypoglycemia.

Hypoglycemia occurs when sugar levels in the blood get too low.

It is very dangerous because when the sugar levels drop below the safe limit, your dog can experience seizures and is at risk of dying.

If your dog is having a hypoglycemia episode, contact the Pet Poison Hotline or your veterinarian. Do not give anything to your dog and don’t try to induce vomiting because you can make things worse.

Time is essential to treat hypoglycemia in dogs and your pet will require an emergency visit afterward.


Alcohol is unhealthy enough for humans, but for dogs can be quickly fatal.

Unfortunately, alcohol is not only found in drinks but in some foods like chocolate or dough as well.

Alcohol is toxic to dogs and is an immediate threat to their life, even in the small amounts contained in chocolate candies.

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning in dogs include:

  • Vomiting
  • Fever
  • Restlessness
  • Heavy breathing
  • Disorientation
  • Tremors and seizures

If left untreated, alcohol poisoning can lead to organ failure and death of your pet.


Caffeine is as toxic to your dog as theobromine is. When talking about caffeine, many people think of coffee of course, but this stimulant is actually present in a lot of products we have at home, even if we’re not aware of it.

Some foods and drinks containing caffeine are:

A taste of coffee probably won’t hurt your dog, but if they happen to ingest beans or green tea bags the situation can quickly turn out fatal.

Symptoms of caffeine intoxication start as soon as 30 minutes after ingestion. Caffeine can inflame the pancreas, cause vomiting, raise blood pressure, and heart rate.

Some pets experience weakness, fever, and seizures to the point of collapsing. Early symptoms include agitation, loud noises, and increased urination.

The amount of caffeine ingested will be crucial to esteem the seriousness of the situation. Large quantities of caffeine may damage the liver, kidneys, lungs, and central nervous system.

Prompt intervention is the only way to save your dog in this situation. If you suspect that your dog had caffeine, call your veterinarian as soon as possible.

Can Dogs Eat Oreos?

No, dogs cannot eat Oreos. These cookies have no benefits for your dog and are a very unhealthy snack.

Ingredients of Oreos will also make your dog addicted, which means they will keep asking for more cookies after the first try and it will be harder to make them get rid of this unhealthy habit.

Products full of sugars and fats like Oreos can make your dog overweight and lead to the development of serious diseases that can reduce the quality of your dog’s life considerably.

A strict diet is hard on everyone, that’s why giving your dog snacks is not bad per se, but just because it’s outside the main meals it doesn’t mean you can just feed them whatever. Snack time needs to be as healthy and as carefully planned as the rest of their diet.

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